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  3. The domes of the vinification tanks

The domes of the vinification tanks

Understanding the impact of vats on winemaking

Winemaking is a complex art, where every detail counts to create an exceptional wine. Among the many elements that influence the fermentation process and the quality of the wine, tanks play a crucial role. Each type of tank has specific characteristics that can transform the aromatic profile of the wine. In this article, we explore in detail the three main types of tank used in wineries, focusing on their implications for winemaking.

tanks with open dome

Vats with an open dome are often used for fermentation in the open air, mainly for red wines. Their design allows an exchange of oxygen during the fermentation process, which influences the aromatic profile of the wine.

Cuve en acier inoxydable - Belon en inox 304
Tank Belon 304 stainless steel

Here are some key points to remember :

Air exposure

Open-dome tanks allow direct contact with the ambient air. This encourages natural aeration of the must during fermentation, an essential process for red wines. Controlled oxygenation helps to soften the wine by eliminating certain phenolic compounds that are too astringent.

Spontaneous fermentation

Exposure to air also facilitates spontaneous fermentation, where indigenous yeasts naturally present on the grape skins trigger alcoholic fermentation. This can give the wine unique terroir-related characteristics.

Manual stirring

In vats with an open dome, the must is often stirred by hand using a tool called "plunging" or "pigeage". This process helps to extract the aromas, tannins and colour that contribute to the wine's complexity.

Temperature control

During the fermentation process, temperature control is crucial. Some winemakers use external cooling or heating systems to maintain the optimum temperature of the must in open-dome tanks.

Versatility and small scale

These tanks are often used in small wineries or for specific batches. They offer winemakers the flexibility to work with small volumes, which may be necessary for experiments, parcel-based vinifications or limited editions.

Easy skin removal

After fermentation, the skins and pips are easier to remove from a tank with an open dome because of the direct access. This facilitates pressing and extraction of the wine from the pomace, allowing the winemaker to control the quality of the pressed juice.

tanks with closed dome

Vats with a closed dome are hermetically sealed during fermentation. They are commonly used for white and rosé wines, where the preservation of delicate aromas is crucial.

Cuve inox 304 - Fermée - STOIPSER2500SPEC - 04/23-12
304 stainless steel tank - 25 HL

Here's what you need to know:

Controlled fermentation

These tanks allow precise control of fermentation, including temperature, pressure and oxygen levels. These parameters can be adjusted according to the specific needs of the wine being produced.

Preservation of aromas

By limiting exposure to air, closed-dome tanks preserve the grapes' delicate aromas, which are essential for white and rosé wines. Fermentation takes place in an oxygen-free environment, preserving the integrity of the aromatic compounds.

Temperature control

These vats are often fitted with integrated temperature control systems, enabling winemakers to maintain constant temperatures during fermentation.

Eliminating the risk of oxidation

Because they are hermetically sealed, closed-dome tanks eliminate the risk of premature oxidation of the must or wine, ensuring more stable, long-lasting wines.

Easy to clean and maintain

Closed-dome tanks are generally easy to clean due to their hermetic design, guaranteeing a hygienic environment for winemaking.

Adaptability to selected yeasts

These tanks are ideal for fermentation with selected yeasts, encouraging the action of specific yeasts chosen to produce specific aromatic characteristics.

tanks with floating dome

Floating dome tanks are innovative equipment offering unique features for the production of top quality wines.

Cuve acier inox 304 - Chapeau flottant - SPAIPSER2300 - 04/23-12
304 stainless steel tank - 23 HL

Here are their specific features:

Automatic stirring

These vats automatically stir the must or wine, ensuring optimum extraction of aromas, tannins and colour.

Gentle extraction

Gentle automatic stirring minimises the extraction of unwanted elements, producing smoother, more balanced wines.

Adaptability to grape varieties

These vats allow winemakers to adjust the extraction process according to the specific characteristics of each grape variety.

Fermentation control

Regular brewing promotes regular and complete fermentation, guaranteeing efficient conversion of sugars into alcohol and aromas.

Easy to clean

The floating dome tanks are designed to be easy to clean, ensuring a hygienic environment for subsequent vinifications.

Optimising maceration

For red wines, the gentle movement of the floating dome encourages optimal maceration, producing wines rich in colour, flavour and structure.

Each type of vat has implications for the winemaking process and the final characteristics of the wine. Winemakers carefully choose the type of tank and dome according to the style of wine they want to produce, enhancing the desired aromatic and taste characteristics. In this way, winemaking becomes a true work of art, where science meets passion to create unique and memorable wines.

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